Corporate Solutions
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We help companies identify the most suitable profiles for their team
in-company courses
ad hoc training
Not a simple training but a precise growth model for your business
Discover some of the courses we developed together with our customers and partners in 2021

Testing Quality Assurance
What is Quality applied to a software? Why and how to measure, plan and conduct testing? What are User Experience and Customer Experience?
This training course will help your team to improve the trends of objective and perceived quality of digital solutions created in a heterogeneous, multichannel, cross-platform, multi-company context.
Each topic will be structured by a theoretical part followed by an exercise part and the teaching material will be made available at the end of each module through our e-learning platform.
Learning outcomes
Course purpose: Training to improve the trends of objective and perceived quality of digital solutions created in a heterogeneous, multi-channel, multi-platform, multi-company context
Outgoing professional: Junior Software Tester
Educational program
The course is structured with the aim of expanding the knowledge of participants focusing on the following modules:
Module 1 – First concepts on testing
- Why is testing necessary?
- What is testing?
- General principles of testing
- Sectors of application
- Basic SQL
- Test design tools and techniques
- Office suite
Module 2 – Integration and automation testing
- Introduzione all’integration testing e ai suoi strumenti: Metalinguaggi XML e JSON; SoapUI e Postman; I principi di Linux; I principali comandi e l’accesso ad un sistema tramite Putty e Filezilla
- Introduzione all’automation testing: I principi dell’automation testing; I principali framework: Katalon, Selenium, Cypress; I principi del performance testing; I principali framework: JMeter, Loadrunner
Module 3 – Simulation of performance and automation activities
Design, writing and execution of two Use cases with JMeter
Design, writing and execution of two Use cases with Katalon
Module 4 – Analysis Tools
- The ISO world: ISO25000
- Crowdtesting: issue classification according to Severity; SW quality attributes; Functional areas
- Structure of a test session: Planning and control; Analysis and Design; Implementation and execution; Acceptant Test that is standard or Outlab type; Evaluation of output criteria and reporting
- Life cycle of an alert
- User Experience and Customer Experience
- Profiling community description
- Data analysis and correlation tools: Powerbi; Cognitum; Jira
Module 5 – Simulation Report
- Outlab Activity Simulation: Requirements; Listing; Classification; Report
General information
Mode: Live streaming | Part time
Lessons: Monday to friday from 14:00 to 19:00
Attendance is 75% compulsory.
Career Services one-to-one Meeting: On request
Career Services Group Intervention: 8 hours
Degree obtained: Certificate of attendance
Participants: 12-15 candidates
Who is this course for?
The Testing Quality Assurance course is designed for all companies that need to have a skilled workforce in QA & Testing.
- Test Analyst, Business Analyst and Software Developer who need to acquire or deepen specific QA & Testing skills.
- Technical or economic degree
- As an alternative to degree, basic programming skills or testing experiences
- Basic knowledge of English language

Full Stack Development
The Java Developmet Course is an excellent opportunity for companies that are looking for professionals who work at a high level with one of the most requested programming languages and used on the market. The JAVA Programmer is one of the most demanded computer profiles by companies at the same time it is a hard resource to find.
Each topic will be structured by a theoretical part followed by an exercise part and the teaching material will be made available at the end of each module through our e-learning platform.
Learning outcomes
Course purpose: Training on Web Oriented development technologies, especially on the Java programming language.
Outgoing professional: Junior Java Developer
Educational program
The course is structured with the aim of expanding the knowledge of participants focusing on the following modules:
Module 1 – Introduction
- The role of the Full Stack Developer
- Overview of frontend-backend architectures
- Introduction to the java language
- The Java Development Kit (JDK) with installation
- The development environment (Eclipse) with installation
Module 2 – Introduction to Java 8 Standard Edition
- Lambda programming
- Stream programming
- Method reference
Module 3 – Introduction to Java Enterprise Edition
- Framework Struts 2
- JSP/Servlet
- JSF con Richfaces
Modulo 4 – Spring Framework
- Spring framework
- Spring MVC
- Spring Data
- Spring JPA
- Hibernate (Controller, Service, DAO, Repository)
- REST Services, SOAP WebServices
Module 5 – Database
- Differences between the various DBMS: PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle.
- Introduction with Mysql installation
- NoSQL Database, MongoDB
Module 6 – Front end
- HTML and CSS
- Javascript
- Bootstrap
- Jquery
- Angular
- Typescript
Module 7 – Security e Communication
- Security and privacy
- Communication in the organizational field
General information
Duration: 240 hours, excluding orientation
Mode: Live streaming | Full time
Lessons: Monday to friday from 09:00 to 18:00
Attendance is 75% compulsory.
Career Services one-to-one Meeting: On request
Career Services Group Intervention: 12 hours
Degree obtained: Certificate of attendance
Participants: 12-15 candidates
Who is this course for?
The Full Stack Development course is designed for all companies that need a team able to use one of the most popular programming languages on the market.
- Computer scientists and web developers who need this specific skill.
- Technical or economic degree
- As an alternative to degree, basic skills of any programming language
- Basic knowledge of English language

Cyber security is a primary necessity for companies, but what does it mean to invest in cybersecurity? Choosing the most advanced technologies is not enough if you do not have the appropriate skills to manage them.
The Cybersecurity course is a technical training course, carried out according to the needs of the market, and which will allow its students to become specialists in the field of data security by illustrating the main technologies and procedures for protecting the security of sensitive data.
Each topic will be structured by a theoretical part followed by an exercise part and the teaching material will be made available at the end of each module through our e-learning platform.
Learning outcomes
Course purpose: Acquire the ability to oversee the processes of detection, analysis and monitoring of potential threats to the security of corporate data and information in an increasingly interconnected world with increasingly elaborate hacking strategies.
Oucoming professional: Cyber Security Analyst
Educational program
The course is structured with the aim of expanding the knowledge of participants focusing on the following modules:
Module 1 – Cybersecurity, Monitoring and analysis
- The protection of privacy
- The limits and methods of publication of personal data and sensitive data and the prohibition of publication
- Privacy protection (company, customer and supplier data)
Module 2 – Security of systems and networks
- How personal data are stored and securely deleted
- Data security and cyber security (standards, protocols, certifications, protection systems for internet based-manufacturing)
Modulo 3 – Corporate security
- The defence technologies
- Company protection, the application principles
General information
Duration: 40 hours, excluding orientation
Mode: Live streaming | Part time
Lessons: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14:00 to 18:00
Attendance is 75% compulsory.
Career Services one-to-one Meeting: On request
Career Services Group Intervention: 4 hours
Degree obtained: Certificate of attendance
Participants: 12-15 candidates
Who is this course for?
The Cybersecurity course is designed for all companies that need professionals capable of managing technologies and procedures for data security protection.
- Entrepreneurs, managers, employees and students with computer background.
- Interest in the ICT world
- Basic knowledge of English language

Project Management
Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to the activities of a project in order to achieve its objectives. Acquire a global vision of project management, based on project management skills and technical tools in the strict sense, team building skills and effective change management skills throughout all project management phases: from planning, to implementation, to monitoring, until closure.
Each topic is structured by a theoretical part followed by an exercise part and the teaching material will be made available at the end of each module through our e-learning platform.
Learning outcomes
Course purpose: Acquire the logic and the fundamental tools of Project Management, to allow participation in Project Management activities in a conscious and proactive way.
Educational program
The course is structured with the aim of expanding the knowledge of participants focusing on the following modules:
Module 1 – Introduction to Projects and Project Management (PM)
- Project definition and PM
- The 3 constraints of PM
- Project life cycle and PM functions
- The concept of “success” in PM
- Helicitation techniques
- Predictive and agile approach
- Leadership styles and life cycle of a team
- Conflict management
- Roles in PM
- Stakeholder analysis and involvement
- PM and organisational structures
Module 2 – Launching of a project
- The Project Charter
- Objectives definition
- The Logical Framework approach
Module 3 – Project planning
- The kickoff meeting
- The WBS
- Planning management: tools and techniques
- Project budget
- Risk management
Module 4 – Monitoring and control of a project
- Cost control
- Change requests management
- How to recover from variances
Module 5 – Project closure
- The “hand off” phasis
- The Lesson Learned
General information
Duration: 32 hours, excluding orientation
Mode: Live streaming | Weekend
Lessons: Friday from 14:00 to 18:00 and Saturday from 9:00 to 13:00
Attendance is 75% compulsory.
Career Services one-to-one Meeting: On request
Career Services Group Intervention: 4 hours
Degree obtained: Certificate of attendance
Participants: 12-15 candidates
Whos is this course for?
The Project Management course is designed for all those who want to manage projects in a structured and effective way.
- IT Manager, Project manager and Application manager directly involved in project management.
- Knowledge of the IT world
- Basic knowledge of software engineering disciplines (planning, analysis, development, testing)
- Good knowledge of English language